Happy Holidays!


Don’t let tension and stress dampen your holiday excitement.

Even if you’re having fun, adding just a few extra activities and commitments to an already full plate can be stressful. Remember that during all the holiday hustle and bustle it’s important to take care of yourself.

I’ve talked a lot about self care this year, I have felt a need to look after myself more lately and to fill up my cup, before serving others. That’s a really difficult thing to do. Self care can feel selfish or like your neglecting other people or other tasks. Have you ever laid on a massage table trying to relax only to find yourself thinking about all the things you should be doing instead? I have.

But I hope you know that true self-care is an act of love. So keep your cup full – You cant serve from an empty cup. You can’t take care of others if you’re sick, burned out, or just too cranky to care. Filling up your cup doesn’t have to be time consuming or do damage to your budget.

Being relaxed, in body and mind, makes it easier for you to accomplish all the wonderful things you want to do for family and friends. So here are some tips for making the holidays a little less stressful.

Breathe –  (you knew I was going o say that didn’t you)Take long, rich, centering breaths throughout the day. Spend just a few minutes in quiet breathing can help relax your body and mind.

Listen to your body – And not just in Yoga class. Many people ignore or even override their body’s needs. Doing that can lead to injury or illness and nothing is worse than being sick over the holidays! To increase your chance of staying healthy during the holidays listen to your body. For example, take time to eat if you feel hungry and nap if you are tired. Seriously Napping is my happy place!

Laugh it up people –  Humor is great for stress reduction. Do something that makes you laugh. Watch your favorite funny movie or check out comedians on Netflix or Youtube. Go hang out with friends and tell each other the stupidest jokes you know. You know the ones that make you groan….. Here I’ll start ..

 How many yoga teachers does it take to changes a light bulb?  ….. Only one, but she’ll need four blankets, a bolster, six blocks, and two straps

Listen to calming music – Soothing music helps relax your body. Nature sounds can also help reduce stress.

Take a holistic health approach – Self-care means paying attention to more than how much you eat or exercise. It also requires paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, expectations, and interactions.

Do something creative – Write a poem, start a book, get out the finger paints and a big piece of paper, and express yourself. Make. Create. Enjoy the process with no expectations.

Give – There are so many opportunities to give, so many people and organizations in need. Pick something close to your heart and give the way you can and remember most organizations get a lot of financial donations this time of the year but what they really need are your helping hands!

Be grateful – The day after Thanksgiving, Giving thanks seems to go right out the window! Keeping up with your gratitude practice  can help you stay upbeat, optimistic, energetic and less stressed.

Take a walk – I know I’ve talked about this before but the Japanese call it ‘Forest bathing’. I Love that! Go outside, bundle up if it’s cold and head out with the your only intention of just noticing the beauty around you. Don’t worry about burning calories or tracking steps, just enjoy yourself. Breath the fresh air and get that blood pumping.

Respect your budget – The old finance, banker lady in me is all about a budget. Once you figure out what you can spend on extras like holiday gifts, events, and other holiday things, honor that. If you splurge now, you pay even more later. And later comes sooner than you think.

Alright there you go a few ideas for staying happy and helthy during the holidays. Do you have any special things you do for self care? Let us know share your ideas in the comments or on my facebook page. I love hearing for all of you.

Namaste and have a wonderful Holiday season.

Om Shanti



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